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  • #2701

    So today while watering my plant I did a PPM – 690 and PH – 5.20 on the run off.  I had PH down my water to 6.3o prior to watering today.  Most of my plants are in the 700 – 1000 range on PPM.  I am going to recalibrate my PH meter tomorrow morning as I got frustrated after seeing PH run off at 5.20.  Looking at the color of my plants I have some sort of deficiency going on as you can see in the posted picture.

    Question how should I address the PH issue with the current plant 1. wait until next water and PH up or 2. should I PH up as soon as possible?

    Question is the light color green leaves indicative of nutrient lock, I have an awful suspicion it is a calcium deficiency?




    What strain is it? – Gorilla Glue #4: GG#4

    Type – Photoperiod

    Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Wk2 of Flower going into Wk3 I believe

    If in Veg, for how long? N\A

    If in Flower stage, For how long? 3 weeks

    Indoor or outdoor? Outdoor containers

    Soil, Soilless or Hydro? Pro-Mix BX Mycorrhizae

    If soil/soilless, what is in your mix? Foxfarm Nutrients Schedule

    If soil/soilless, what size pot?  5G sheet rock bucket

    Size of grow space (LxWxH)?  Outdoor full sun exposure throughout day

    Make and model of grow light? Sunlight

    Light distance from the top of the plants? 1AU~ 93 million miles

    Temperature in the environment? N\A

    Humidity in the environment? N\A

    PH of medium or reservoir? run off 5.19

    EC/PPM of medium or reservoir?   690

    Any Pests? Soil gnats but use yellow sticks and mulch with marigold heads and spray soil and plant with neem \ castile soap mixture

    How often are you watering? 2 times per week unless plant showing signs of nutrient deficiency

    Type and strength of nutrients used? Using Foxfarm at full recommended dosages per their feeding schedule(Bloom City – Silica, Bloom City – Cal-Mag, Bloom City – Organic Klean-Kelp, Plantation Blackstrap Molasses, Bloom City Organic Root Stim

    PH Meter I use –

    PPM Meter I use –




    From the picture, which doesn’t show leaves very well, it looks like classic nitrogen deficiency with perhaps a touch of calcium deficiency.

    You should correct ph asap. Not something to wait on.


    Okay did some homework these past few watering’s.  I will post a pic of each plant.

    My concerns are low PH and PPM.  I am thinking of doing the following:

    Red GG4 – 5G (Regular full feed and PH+8.0)

    GRN GG4 – 5G(Regular full feed and PH+8.0)

    CART SS – 15g(Regular full feed and PH+8.5)

    BLK SS – 4G(Regular full feed and PH+8.0)

    CART GG4 15G(Regular full feed no PH adjustment)





    RED GG#4 5G


    GRN GG4 5GAL


    CART SS 15G


    BLK SS 4G


    BLK GG4 5G


    CART GG4 15G


    Don’t try to adjust the runoff ppm, just adjut the input. If your issue persists then you need to flush. The plants the look yellow from the bottom up are nitrogen deficient. I would suggest you up your ppms to 1200 for the plants who will take it. Flower is generally between 800-1400 ppm for most mixes. Running plants under the sun, I would go to the higher end personally.

    The plants can adjust their ph a little bit anyway.


    I am using the run off PPM measurement as a gage to determine my soils health.  Are you saying the run off PPM is not an important indicator?   When you say “…I would suggest you up your ppms to 1200 for the plants who will take it.”  I am following the Fox Farm Soil feed.  How would I go about this process spread over all base nutrients or double up on Grow Big which is the major portion of Nitrogen intake for Fox Farm Soil?  I am watering tomorrow so hopefully I can address this.  Thank you.


    Runoff ppm is important. Runoff ph isn’t, unless your ph is like drastically off like 3 or 10. Ppm is important because it tells you if the plants are leaving salts behind or using them. If the ppms are high feed less. If ppms are low feed more. I would personally measure ph and ppm before I water. If your ppm is lower than 1000-1200 then you should feed more if you’re seeing necrosis type yellowing. You would increase all of them together, I’m guessing by adding an extra 20% you should be good.


    Feed update.  I followed your advice and measured the PH(6.16) and PPM(1158) prior to watering.  I also measured PPM and PH post and the numbers are finally where they should be.  We will see if if this turns the plants around in the right direction.  I am also including some IPM shots from todays meticulous outdoor review.

    PH and PPM Sept 7th Water


    Some findings from todays IPM.  Yes that is a saddleback caterpillar. saddleback piller

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