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Home Forums Grow Community – Ask Questions & Share Your Grow! Can you guys help with this issue

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  • #2598

    I noticed after fixing my bug issue from my other post that I am having another weird issue. I noticed this and think it might be a nutrient burn issue considering I am giving full doses of nutrients etc. this might be a lockout as well. I ask because this looks like a cal mag issue but there is NO WAY that is the issue literally the day AFTER dosing a metric crap ton of it (not literally). Maybe y’all can spot this and make it obvious 🙂




    9 times out of 10, a picture isn’t enough to determine what is wrong with a plant. A lot of background information is needed. Let’s start with… What is the pH and PPM of the soil runoff? What grow light are you using and how far away is it from the top of the plants? What nutrients have you been feeding the plant and how often?

    List of more info that can be included so we can diagnose faster:


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