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  • in reply to: Issues with first grow, help appreciated! #2436




    in reply to: Can you guys help with this issue #2599

    in reply to: Issues with first grow, help appreciated! #2510

    Just an update. Got back from vacation today, everyone is doing so much better. With my prepared nutrients and watering schedule etc combined with my previous treatments, massive improvement!

    in reply to: Issues with first grow, help appreciated! #2498

    Thanks for your reply! I tried to include all the information you asked for in the “read first” post. It blows my mind that very few people actually include the details needed to make an assessment. Okay so the run off PPM was me using my PPM meter that came with my PH meter and measuring the run off without having anything to compare it to. I was just trying to figure out what it was but then realized with nothing to compare it to it was worthless. To make a long story short, I put all my plants on a full strength feeding schedule, treated them with the dead bug and DE, and did all the other little things to try and turn this grow around. With that said, all of my plants have made a full turn around/recovery. My one late budding F1 plant has completely turned around from her nute issue and you can see all the new green healthy growth where her buds are (sugar leaves etc). the damage was done but I caught it early enough in flower a few weeks ago that everything is working out well. I had all the information I needed but I was trying to not make the the mistakes everyone else seemed too make when they’re growing like over feeding and over watering or under watering etc.

    in reply to: Issues with first grow, help appreciated! #2462

    No worries on the late response. I was refreshing like crazy for the first few hours and then realized it would probably be a while before someone said something. Anyways, I do appreciate you responding!

    I do know I have a few issues going on. This was my first grow and I waited too long before giving notes which I fixed with my other four plants etc and then everything was going well until the lady in question here started to look pale and started dropping leaves, which I thought again was a nute issue which allowed the infestation to continue etc. So I do know about the nute issue and the fact I was under feeding all along, which I have now fixed with a proper schedule (totally noticeable with my newer plants I started feeding right away, they’re so much better looking overall).

    I checked all under-sides of leaves and with exception of the dead leaves with the little bubbles on them, no under leaf activity. I don’t think its leaf miner considering it doesn’t match ANY of the patterns mentioned in the grow bible, online here, YouTube etc. All the spots etc point to thrips but then again I don’t know.

    What other possibilities do you think? You’re not going to overload me, I did all my homework I just tried to do things not as “heavy” and ended up shooting myself in the foot. I came here because ALL OF THESE ISSUES LOOK THE SAME!!!!!! I mean not seriously but yeah, a lot of them do!! ANY help is SUPER appreciated.

    I did want to mention that all the plants are looking MUCH better after the dead bug treatment and a strong nute feeding.

    in reply to: Issues with first grow, help appreciated! #2440

    So my magnifying glass was delivered today and on top of the webbing. I also found some tiny black bugs stuck to my sugar leaves on the flowering F1 Orion plant. I did pull this off my pretty bad off Critical plant that is the subject of this post. This looks like thrips larva. it’s super tiny white maggot things. When I was shining the light on it there was multiple ones likes crawling around. you can see them dead center of this picture and upper corners of the leaf there’s at least one more visible.

    in reply to: Issues with first grow, help appreciated! #2439

    in reply to: Issues with first grow, help appreciated! #2438

    in reply to: Issues with first grow, help appreciated! #2437

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