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  • in reply to: help please new grower #2453

    the only damage I can think of is maybe too much wind stress, the plant in right next to a fan. the other plants look good some leaf damage but not much. all these plants had a rough start and had  stunted grow. I didn’t have a heat mat so the seedlings were cold and didn’t grow well until I transplanted. the damaged bud is on the lower growth its hard to tell because the plant was mainlined. hope the additional information helps and I added more pictures of the grow and other plants. the blumat system was installed 2 days ago after the damage was discovered. 

    in reply to: help please new grower #2563

    not sure what they were some bag seeds, I am pretty sure it was a result of high stress at their beginnings. they were stunted growers because of cold and low humidity.

    in reply to: help please new grower #2534

    well, the girls wanted to be boys too, all four of them. I blame it on their childhood, lol. hopefully, this next run will be better

    in reply to: help please new grower #2472

    my first thought was to prolong the life of the fans now its to help with damage to the ladies lol. I believe air circulation will be the same just alternativeing corners. I’ll keep in touch and let yall know how that are growing!

    in reply to: help please new grower #2469

    thank you very much for the reply. I am working on a solution for the fans, I have four fans now got some ac infinity’s from prime days! what do you think about putting them on timers, 2 fans would be on for 12 hours, and then the others 2 would turn on? I can’t really rotate buckets now that I installed the blumats.

    Thank you. I think they are doing well for my first grow, especially given their start, lol. I truly appreciate what you and the guys from the stash are doing for the community, keep it up!

    in reply to: help please new grower #2460

    all plants were stunted growers at seedlings. I didn’t have a heat mat to keep the seedlings warm as a result they were slow growers until they were transplanted into a bigger pot. this plant seems to be the only one with this damage. the bud site in question is directly in front of a fan potentially too much wind stress. it’s had to tell but that bud site is old growth, the plant was mainlined and that growth is one of two nodes from the bottom. I hope the additional information and pictures help. all genetics are unknown and are probably four different stains. there is supposed to be at least one gorilla glue but not 100% certain.

    in reply to: help please new grower #2459

    in reply to: help please new grower #2458

    in reply to: help please new grower #2457

    in reply to: help please new grower #2456

    in reply to: help please new grower #2455

    in reply to: help please new grower #2454

    in reply to: help please new grower #2451

    sorry new to blog. I know there are lots of variables was hoping for a quick answer

    stain : unknown

    flower stage: 12/12 cycle started the 12th of July


    soil: fox farm ocean forest with some down to earth amendments

    5 gallons pot

    5x5x6.5 grow tent

    SF4000 at 60%

    about 3 feet from top of canopy

    temp is 81°F max lights on and 70 low lights out RH is 60% to 70%

    ph is around 6.5 for water

    EC/PPM unknown

    watering when needed, currently every 4 days.

    a few fungus gnats very minimal

    down to earth nutrients, recharge, fish shit, Lumina amino acids, roots organic cal mag.

    I think thats everything sorry again for posting without the following information.

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