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Home Forums Grow Community – Ask Questions & Share Your Grow! Yellow Spots on Apple Fritter Clone Plant

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  • #4192

    Hi everyone.

    I’m a beginner with growing cannabis and plants in general, so this is actually my first grow. I started with 4 Cannabis clones and so far 3 of the 4 are growing very well. The fourth one, Apple Fritter, has been growing these spots for the past week and I just can’t pin point what’s wrong with it. The spots began in the middle of the plant and now there are some appearing at the top as well.  None of my other plants have this issue, although they are different strains so they might just be reacting differently, i’m unsure.

    My plants are growing in coco coir and perlite, a pre mixed bag from the mother earth brand. Right now they are in week 3 of the veg stage. I have been feeding them Cal mag, FloraMicro, FloraGro, and FloraBloom from General Hydroponics and watering at about 5.7 to 5.8 PH. My PPM monitor is way off so i’m waiting for a new one to come in.  I water them just about everyday, sometimes skipping a day when the soil still seems too moist to water. I use about 2.5 gallons for all 4 plants for each feeding. All of the plants are in a 4×4 tent with a 480W light. I got the light from my cousin who used to grow as well, it’s called an HLG 550 V2 I think.

    I don’t know if there’s some sort of nutrient deficiency or an issue with the light or what but I want to save my Apple Fritter plant before it gets too bad. I probably shouldn’t have cut the bad leaves off but I freaked out when I noticed it spreading so rapidly. Please Help!!!


    Update: The Apple Fritter spots have spread to my runtz plant!! I’m going to separate the apple fritter plant from the others because I only have them in a 4×4 space. So i’m gonna keep the healthy 3 in there and move Apple Fritter to a 4×2 tent.


    Sorry for the delayed response as I have been on vacation. Looks a lot like symptoms of PH fluctuations. More info here:


    Hey Mr. Grow It

    Thanks for the info! I actually initially ruled out ph fluctuations because they were coming back at 5.7-5.8 consistently each time. But today I realized my PH monitor is either way off or just completely broken. I have an apera PH monitor and I was going to flush the plants but when i was testing the tap water from my shower the PH would continue to rise the longer it sat in the water. I tried recalibrating but it still does the same thing. I just flipped the plants into flower and even have some small buds growing. I wanted to flush the plant to see if i could resolve the ph issue and get rid of some of the salt buildup at the bottom. But im going to get a new PH monitor this week and hopefully it will work better throughout the rest of the grow.

    Thanks again! Your books have been helping a LOT to get through this first grow. Will try to come back here and update once it’s all done.


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Word, of, advice, mate? Get ph storage solution. You can buy it from your local hydro shop! And store the ph probe pens, not in water, but, in, ph probe storage solution. It’ll help keep the ph pen probe, working at its, peak, for longer. That’s, it, mate. Off you go!!!!</p>

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