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  • #3600

    I just watched a video about growing tomatoes and there was a pretty clever trick for starting the plants that I wondr if it would be applicable to our favourite herb.

    This guy started the seeds in solo cups that he filled only halfway with potting soil.

    Because tomato plants can grow roots from their stem, he waits until the plant is above the rim of the cup then he backfills with soil the rest of the way, burying the stem. The stem will then proceed to sprout roots into that soil. When it comes time to transplant into the garden or a larger pot, there is an extensive root system developed.

    This method would seem to really optimise the space in the solo cup (or whatever you use) allowing for maximum root development AND a stronger main stem on the small plants.

    Would this method also work on herb, specifically, would roots sprout from the stem after being buried the same way they do with tomatoes?



    Yes it would work but not as well as tomatoes. Tomatoes are notorious for rooting very well. You could do this with cannabis but you could also rot the stem in some instances. If your medium is the correct moisture content then it 100% can work. I would pinch off all leaves and branching before burying the stem and give them a few days to dry up and close the wounds first. If the plant senses no foliage on that portion of the stem it will be more likely to root because it’s not sending mixed hormonal signals telling it to both root and grow shoots.


    Thank you! I was concerned about rotting the stem.

    The tomato guy said he pinches off the foliage below the rim of the cup and I had the same idea as you that the open wounds could be susceptible to bad things.


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