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  • #3122

    Or really to give the bottom couple of inches a good soaking I would think. I’ll probably start adding in a bottom watering every other watering for now. Just not sure how much yet. I imagine the risers cause this.


    Or maybe I should ditch the risers. If If end up with a scrog net, I’ll lose the ability to bottom water with the risers in place.


    I figured it out. I added 24oz of bottom watering to every pot. That worked things out I think. Also realized I could just reverse the riser order. Instead of saucer with riser on top, I made it riser with saucer on top. Now if and when needed I can still bottom water without shuffling anything around.

    So far besides the dry bottom inch, I kind of feel like I have the watering thing almost mastered. I use a pump sprayer. Kind of annoying how long it takes but I feel like I’ve been keeping all the pots at a perfect moisture level throughout, so it feels worth it.


    If I decide to do a runoff test, I guess to do that I should let the pots dry out “completely” and water until runoff? Basically break the living soil rule once to get a runoff reading?

    Is that best done when not adding nutrients during a watering?


    Definitely could use some advice on adding the agsil I bought, if you have any experience to offer with that. I think I may just give it during waterings only (always calmag too thought..), not during feedings. I see how to make a concentrate in solution, just not sure how much ppm to add to my waterings, or how often. Right now I do water only about once a week. Some people are against using it after the stretch phase. Any thoughts on that? Lots of conflicting opinions about how much to use it and when, and I trust you 😉

    Also, silica first, then calmag or vice versa for any reason? Any special instructions concerning buffering the water after adding it? Allegedly it makes the pH go super high but maybe it doesn’t matter?

    I have a feeling my plants will benefit from it, even at this late stage, but I’m not gonna dive in with it without some guidance..

    Thanks man!


    Your question: “Git some silica today. Do you have any recommendation on how much to use and how often? Is it cool to mix it with calmag?”
    Answer: Full dose or some prefer a half dose. Mix silica in water first, then CalMag.

    Your question: “How much do you think would be a good amount to bottom water them to moisten the bottom couple of inches of soil?”
    Answer: I’d do 5% and see how it goes. If it absorbs up quickly then another 5% may be good.

    Your question: If I decide to do a runoff test, I guess to do that I should let the pots dry out “completely” and water until runoff? Basically break the living soil rule once to get a runoff reading? Is that best done when not adding nutrients during a watering?
    Answer: Most growers using organic inputs will only do a runoff test if they are seeing problems. You don’t need to let it dry out. Just run water through and collect. Alternatively, you could do a slurry test instead.

    I personally haven’t used Agsil so I don’t have any guidance for you there. I recommend reaching out to KIS Organics with that question since they sell that product.

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