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Home Forums Grow Community – Ask Questions & Share Your Grow! Is this pm? It doesnt rub off and i did a neem oil treatment 2 days ago

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  • #2514

    Wow that’s terrible. Sorry to see that! Yeah I agree with Cam; your best bet is to start fresh :/


    Thanks guys i have started a new grow luckily i still have 6 seeds left. I still trying to revive these tho they’re actually still green. Ive seen a few videos of people re vegging after a harvest and the plant grew back from just stems. Since it has an already developed root system they said they were able to harvest faster but less yeild


    Yes since there are leaves there there’s a good chance it’ll grow back. Will just take a long time. Are they autoflowers or photoperiod?


    Im hoping so this is my 1st grow i was so excited lol. They are auto flowers one is sour kush and the other is cheese from growers choice seeds. They were already in pre flower for a a week. I planted them may 16


    Being Auto’s I don’t think you will get very much, just start over.

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