<p style=”text-align: left;”>I have planted 3 plants, and they sprouted on 12 of february so I transfered them to the grow box. One is special kush, and two are milky way F1. All pirchased from royal seeds. Now after a minth there is a small bit of yellowing on one of the leaves from special kush, which worries me. I have set them 50 cm below a sf2000 samsung full scpetrum with an intensity of 80 to 100 for two weeks now. I have given them only once a dode of 2 ml of bio biz, bio-grow solution in one liter water and at the time these photos were takenĀ they not recieve water for 3 days. I think the leaves are too big and the olants are too short. Any ideas about what is wrong if anything?</p>
More info is needed in order to properly diagnose.
1. Are they in soil, coco coir, or a hydroponic system?
2. If they are in soil or coco, what size container are they in?
3. What is the pH and PPM of the soil runoff?