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  • #2672

    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Could this be manganese deficiency? I’m dwc using calmag then maxigrow then the stash blend and then ph down to as close to 5.9 as possible I’m in a 6×6 temp is 78 and humidity is 50 to 60 and if anything the light could come down 12 or 14 inches but it’s just this one branch, all the rest are looking good.</p>



    Interesting that it’s just on that one leaf. Is there a fan or heater on that side of the grow space that may be hitting that leaf and causing it? If that’s not the case, browning of the edges just like you show is actually a sign of nitrogen toxicity. Although, I don’t really see any of the other signs of nitrogen toxicity such as excessively dark green leaves, shiny leaves, or clawing of the leaf tips. So if it is a toxicity, it doesn’t seem to be major. What is the EC or PPM?

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