Grow Media: Promix Hp
RO water at 6.0 with calmag now at 3ml per gallon.
Athena nutrient Grow A 5ml per gallon
Athena nutrient Grow B 5ml per gallon
Light is Ionframe evo3 now at lvl 4, distance at 19inch.
Temperature at 72f
Humidity at 60-65%
Little update
Increased nutrients 5ml per gallons
Light increased to lvl 4 evo6
R/O PH 6.0
Temperature at 72f
Humidity at 60-65%
I’m praying 2 times a day for a female 😆
Grow Media: Promix Hp
RO water at 6.0 with calmag now at 5ml per gallon.
Athena nutrient Grow A 11ml per gallon
Athena nutrient Grow B 11ml per gallon
Light is Ionframe evo3 now at lvl 4, distance at 19inch.
Temperature at 72f-78f
Humidity at 60-65%
Grow Media: Promix Hp
RO water at 6.0 with calmag now at 5ml per gallon.
Athena nutrient Grow A 11ml per gallon
Athena nutrient Grow B 11ml per gallon
Light is Ionframe evo3 now at lvl 4, distance at 19inch.
Temperature at 72f-78f
Humidity at 60-65%
VPD between .9 – 1.2
Co2 at 820
Kinda early but i gave them there first topping.
No5hing more to report until the results come back.