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Home Forums Grow Community – Ask Questions & Share Your Grow! Checking trichomes post curing

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by kbug.
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    What are people’s thoughts on whether or not you can determine *post cure* whether the harvest was cut on time, early or late?


    That’s a good question. I don’t know anyone who checks the trichomes after harvest. We know if it’s dried or stored in light then trichomes will degrade over time but I don’t think we know how long that takes.


    Most people have different preferred harvest times so you really wouldn’t be able to tell if they took it earlier or later than intended.. that being said even if you knew when they harvested and when they wanted to – checking a flower after a couple months might tell you more about their curing and storage practices than it will their harvesting practices. That’s my opinion at least.


    – Markas


    Thank you both for the feedback. I’m actually trying to check my own harvesting date selection. I feel like I’ve been getting fooled by amber trichomes on sugar leaves and misjudging newly emergent white pistils late in bloom.

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