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  • #4158

    1st grow and in week 6 of flower.


    Very long story short I ended up with a bad deficiency (definitely not natural end of flowering yellowing). Once I checked ppms I realised the mistake I had made.


    About 40% of the buds have went dried up but the rest of the plant came back round again. I was hoping the effected buds would also recover but sadly not.


    So in a very last ditch effort to save as much THC as possible instead of losing the buds my plan is to make bubble hash out of them or use for edibles.


    Here is the question. If I snip these right now because in going to use them for edibles or bubble hash, do I need to run it through the normal drying or can I get away with using them immediately??


    The reason I’m asking is I don’t think the buds will survive drying out as they are getting dry already.


    Any suggestions, recommendations very much appreciated.


    Thanks everyone.

    And thanks Chris/Mr grow it for all the awesome information on your YouTube and pod cast. Your a legend.



    You can definitely use immediately. Good luck!

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