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  • #4333

    Hello. I recently came across an article suggesting an approach wildly different from the 60-60 method.

    The concept revolves around the idea that the 60-60 method often takes “too long” to achieve the desired goals. The lower temp (60) does not prevent terpene degradation; since it takes much longer and time is a bigger factor in degradation than temp. The higher humidity leaves flowers in a higher risk environment for mold.

    The approach goes something like this:

    2 days 72F / 55%
    1 day 74F / 52%
    2 days 75F / 49%

    It now takes only 5 days to “dry” and get flowers into curing jars.




    I used to dry in the 70-75°F range with 50-55% RH and I found it dried a little too quickly for my liking. Since then I’ve liked 60% RH at 60-70°F range better. I don’t like going over a 7-day dry since I learned a lot about yeast and mold growth.

    Here are a few podcast episodes that go deep into drying & curing. They have a lot of good modern info in them:


    Gday CMG, …….Two thots. …..  #1 ……  Recently I tried “burping” using compressed Ox…… The same that I use to hose off my keyboard. I was reading “take off the lid and let it breath for 15 min.”  With Ox, jus take off the lid, give a significant blast and away you go. In seconds. ……#2 ……. Debacco University suggested, after “burping” to a finish state, hose in some compressed Nitrogen to prevent further degradation…. Sounds logical to me…….

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