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  • #2756

    I’m on my first grow. Your videos have been very informative and I appreciate the knowledge you’ve shared

    Girl Scout Cookies X Dos Si Dos aka Disco Bizkit from ILGM

    Week 4  flower stage

    Pro Mix HP plus 10% perlite & 1 TBS Sea 90 per gallon of mix

    3 x 3 tent

    MarsHydro TS600, 18-24”, 18/6 hours

    Temperature 72-78
    Humidity 55-60%
    PH of 6.2-6.4
    Any Pests? None
    Watering Every 3-4 days, trying to let the soil dry out a little

    Using FoxFarm trio at 75% recommend rate

    Silica, Cal Mag plus,

    Sea-90 & Epsom salt spay once/week

    Dynomyco mycorrhiza at transplant

    Solo cup, 2 gal plastic, final pot 5 gallon fabric

    Training has been combo of topping and LST with stakes – might have started too soon

    plan to scrog


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