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Home Forums Grow Community – Ask Questions & Share Your Grow! New grower, rot issue – advice.

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  • #2639

    Hi folks, I was growing  my first plant and it looked absolutely stunning, very healthy and vibrant until  i got mould on the stem joints. Probably due to over watering and substrate too compact.  Cant change it now as its huge and wont want to damage roots.  Instead I tried to loosen and aeriated soil best i could.     The affected stem has caused it to wilt.  I presume because its being starved from  nutrients etc.  I will try add a photo.  I take it there is nothing I can do about this. I have tried anti fungal spray on affected areas and used a spray on leaves to stop white mildew.  I fear the worst. white mould


    few days ago




    Ouch! Sorry to see that. Looks like you have a big plant there with lots of branches so I personally would cut that particular branch off and allow the plant to focus its energy on the healthy branches.

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